Polychem in Brief
Polychem in Brief
Polychem is a company engaged in two divisions namely Polyester and Chemical divisions. Our top priority is product quality. Process activities are licensed by world-class leading technology, Scientific Design Inc., USA for the production of Ethylene Oxide, Ethylene Glycol, and ethoxylates; Zimmer AG, Germany for the production of Polyester Chips, Polyester Yarns (POY), Polyester Fibers (PSF), and Rieter Scragg technology from the UK, to produce Drawn Textured Yarn (DTY).
Our polyester producon capacity is 129,600 tons/year consisng of 108,000 tons/year for polymers and 21,600 tons/year for DTY. The polymer capacity is divided into 21,000 tons/year of polyester chips, 43,200 tons/year of polyester yarn and 43,200 tons/year of polyester fiber.
Our Ethylene Glycol (EG) Plants are using the technology from Scienfic Design Co. Inc. United States of America and has a total annual producon capacity of 233,600 Tons of Ethylene Glycol (EG). In 2020, the company only produced 137,522 Tons of Ethylene Glycol (EG) so the ulizaon was only 58.87%.
The total annual producon capacity of Ethoxylate (EOD) is 80,000 tons, while in 2020 the company produced 58,687 tons. Due to various disrupons during the producon process, the ulizaon reached only at 73.36%
The company has marketed its products to many countries in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, America, Canada and Latin America.
With the support of 1,192 competent and supportive employees, Polychem is confident that it can obtain a competitive position and can support its dominant position in Indonesia.