Corporate Social Responsibilities

Social Activities 2021
CSR is a company’s commitment to act ethically towards stakeholders directly or indirectly to improve the quality of life and welfare of the parties involved by considering the social, economic and environmental aspects of the company’s activities.
Company Policies related to Social Responsibility towards Social Community
The Company is very concerned about social and community development. It can be seen that the Company organizes activities aimed at improving the quality of life as part of growing harmoniously and developing together, including:
The company in 2021, which is s_ll not doing well in terms of business, is still trying to set aside a little cash assistance and the provision of basic necessities for the orphanage foundation and the community around the Tangerang head office, the Merak plant and the Karawang plant.
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In an effort to help accelerate the Government’s program for the Acceleration of Community Vaccination. So the Company continues to try to contribute by participating in collaboration with the Jakarta Metro Police Agency and the Banten Police.
Distributing masks & Handsanitizer and Vaccination of Residents & Employees’ Families
In addition to mass vaccination, the Company also distributes masks and hand sanitizers to residents for free and organizes vaccinations for residents and employees’ families.
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Celebrating Eid al-Adha every year, the Company distributes sacrificial animals to the community around the Tangerang Head Office, Merak Plant and Karawang Plant through Village Officials, Religious Leaders and Local Community Leaders.
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Distributing aid for flood victims in Wanasari Village, Wanasari District, Karawang on March 22, 2021. Humanitarian assistance in the form of basic necessities, clean water, soap, detergent and others.
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Providing medical equipment assistance and supporting the activities of the Flamboyan Posyandu in RW.17 Cibodasari Village, Cibodas, Tangerang City.
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Social Activities 2020
CSR is a company’s commitment to act ethically towards the stakeholders directly or indirectly to improve the quality of life and welfare of the parties concerned by considering the social, economic and environmental aspects of the company’s activities.
PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk menjalankan beberapa kegiatan CSR diantaranya, sebagai berikut :
- Use Of Eco-Friendly Materials and Energy and Recyclable :
The use of eco-friendly materials and recyclable is at the Karawang Plant. These materials are as follows:
- The Lagoon Water
The lagoon water is the output of the WWT (Waste Water Treatment) process carried out by the Company. The lagoon water is used for spraying fly ash on Chimney in the Coal Boiler, Plant Watering, and Fire Hydrant System.
- PTA Bag (Purified Terephthalic Acid)
The Company obtains PTA from PT. MCCI in the form of bulk and PTA bags. The PTA Bag is cleaned from the remaining PTA, then it can be used for Packing Chip Products and Product Waste Sites.
- Bobbin Recycle
The company prepares a new Bobbin for POY Products. Furthermore, POY products are sent to the DTY Plant (still in one area). The bobbins that have been used in DTY can be reused by heating them to the specified temperature and sorting them again. After that Bobbin is ready to be used again for POY Products.
- Pallet Kayu
The Company prepares wooden pallets for packing POY & PSF products that will be sent to the consumers. The wooden pallets by consumers are sent back to the Company for reuse. This provides benefits for consumers and the Company.
- Waste Processing System
In conducting waste management both from production activities and other supporting activities, the Company applies the 3R principle, namely Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The company has a WWT installation (Waste Water Treatment) which is integrated with the production process. Wastewater that has been through WWT is safe for the environment. The Company groups the types of waste in two groups, namely waste containing Hazardous and Toxic Material (B3) and non-B3 Waste. The Company handles B3 waste through cooperation with waste management that meets Indonesian and International regulatory standards. In harmony with the Company by implementing the Innovative Challenge Program. One example of this program is to improve so that waste is reduced or waste is reused with other chemical additives.
- Procedures For Environmental Problems
If there are complaints from the surrounding community regarding pollution / waste, the Company (GA Department) will be proactive to pay attention to complaints and ensure that the waste is from the company or not. In the condition of waste not from the company, we provide socialization and make a letter responding to the complaint with strong data to the surrounding community and related agencies.
- Certification In The Environmental Field
The Company received the PROPER award in 2018 (Company Performance Rating Program) Blue Rating and an environmentally friendly Company with a good title for the Merak Plant and Karawang Plant having implemented ISO 14001 regarding Environmental Management Systems since 2008
- Fruit Garden
The Company’s direct manifestation of the CSR program in the environmental field is Fruit Garden. Located in the south of the Karawang Plant with an area of 15 hectares, the Company aims to be active in the Go-Green Program, freshen up the surrounding environment and used as an educational park as well. The trees planted from December 2018, there are Coconut, Durian, Rambutan, and Mango.
- Work Employment And OHS Practices
- Prevention And Control Of Pandemic COVID-19 Spreads
In the condition of the Company to maintain its operations, Management must also focus to control the Covid-19 Pandemic spreads among the employees of PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk. Management enforces several policies such as Work From Home, Formation of a Covid-19 Protocol Response Team which continues to monitor the implementation of the Health Protocol regularly every day
- Gender Equality and Employment Opportunities
Companies in running operations need to be supported by employees who have competence. Employees and employees have the same opportunity to be able to develop careers at all levels. Companies in recruiting employees accept male and female employees. Except in certain departments / sections that require the physical strength of male employees.
- Employment and Safety
Occupational health and safety is a top priority for us to create a safe work environment. We guarantee the fulfillment of various regulations and standards by conducting internal audits.
- Turnover Employee Rate
Throughout 2020, the Company recorded an employee turnover rate of 0.33%, there were 4 out of a total of 1192 employees. Employees left with the reason for resigning.
- Work Accident Rate
In 2020 the work accident rate will be 1 LTA (Lost Time Accident) and 23 FAA (First Aid Accident). The percentage ratio of loss of work hours to scheduled work hours is 0,0027%. The work hours lost due to work accidents are 49 hours and scheduled working hours are 1,826,641 hours.
- Education and/or Training
The company provides training and development for all companies according to their needs. These activities are to improve skills and expertise to support achieving targets. Build competencies and expertise that require adequate time, effort and investment.
- Remuneration
PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk fully complies with all laws and regulations concerning work, and working conditions, including regulations regarding mandatory minimum wages, holiday allowances, overtime, achievement bonuses, incentives, production services, and labor insurance coverage
- Employment Problem Mechanism
When employees have employment problems, employees can submit to the Labor Union. If it has not been completed, the problem is assisted by SP to Bipartite and / or Tripartif. The company maintains good relations with Trade Unions and Manpower Offices.
- Community Social Development
Use Of Local Labor
The company provides priority employment opportunities for local workers around the factory. This has become a form of the Company’s concern for the workforce of the surrounding community. The use of such workforce is carried out in accordance with the qualifications and competencies that are in accordance with the Company’s field.
Plant Merak :
CSR – Community Social Development:
- Distributed aid for Floods victims in Cipanas District, Kab. Lebak, Banten Province, on January 16, 2020. Humanitarian Assistance including Basic Food supplies, Mineral Water, Soap, Detergent, Clothes and School Supplies. Assistance was provided from the Management, Workers Union and Employee Cooperative – PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk.
- Providing used drums – suitable for use to Gedung Soka Village, Puloampel District, Banten Province.
- Providing used drums – suitable for use to Mangunreja Village, Puloampel District, Banten Province.
- The Company gave Masks supplies for Mangunreja Village, Puloampel District, Banten Province
CSR – Providing Health Assistance & Counseling:
The company held a routine Blood Donation activity at the Merak Plant in collaboration with PMI Serang – Banten. Blood Donation is held every 3 months and around 30 people participated in every activity. Blood Donation Activity was held in January 29, 2020.
CSR – Community Social Development
The impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Company’s performance appeared in the suspension of several social activities. This is also to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus to employees. The Company will continue to carry out routine Social Development activities and the benefits of which are very useful for the surrounding community.
- D. Responsiblity Of Goods and / or Services
- Consumer Health and Safety
The Company already has an OEKO-TEX certificate where the products produced by the Company are friendly to the environment and to the health and safety of consumers and the Company’s Products are intermediate products related to consumer health and safety.
- Information Of Goods and/or Services
All information related to the product name, the type of material described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in accordance with national standard regulations (Kepmenaker No. Kep. 187 / MEN / 1999, PP No. 74 of 20001, and Regulation of the Minister of Industry No. 87 / M -IND / PER / 9/2009).
- Means, Amount, and Consumer Control
Regarding facilities, quantities and countermeasures for consumer complaints, in addition to e-mail, it is also explained in the SOP (Procedure) for Product Identification and Capability and whenever there are complaints recorded on the Customer Complain form. The Company also has a Technical Service Committee in charge of handling consumer complaints.
Social Activities 2019

Social Activities
Community Social Development
1. Distribution of compensation for 30 orphans from Poris Plawad urbanvillage Cipondoh subdistrict – Tangerang. This activity was held in Ramadhan 2017.
2. The 2017 Christmas Celebration of the Oikumene Prayer Association of PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk was held on January 19, 2018 with the theme: “Being Light”
Community Social Development :
1. Distribution of compensation for 70 underprivileged orphans and widows from village around factory that is Warnasari Village, Teluk Jambe Barat Subdistrict, Karawang District, West Java Province. This event held in Ramadhan in 2017.
2. Giving sacrificial animals in the form of goat to Wanasari Village and Nurul Inayah Mosque of Wana Kerta Village Teluk Jambe Barat Subdistrict, Karawang District, West Java Province. This activity was held in August 2017.
Skills and Education Training :
3. Providing Internship opportunities for Graduates of SMK equal to Wanasari, Wanakerta and Karang Mulya. Duration of internship every 6 months. This activity is the implementation of Industrial Vocational Education Program in the idea of the Ministry of Industry. In addition to the above activities, the Company also signed a cooperation with SMK on the Launch of Vocational Industry (Phase 4) on August 28, 2017 in Bekasi – West Java. The Company has accepted the Field Work Practice from SMK around the next factory of the Internship Program which recruited the best performing students.
Providing Health Assistance & Counseling :
4. Blood Donor Activities at Karawang Plant in collaboration with PMI Karawang Branch – West Java, in August 2017.
Community Social Development :
1. Distributing compensation for 100 underprivileged orphans and widows from around factory that is Mangunreja Village, Pulo Ampel sub-district, Serang District, Banten Province. This event held in Ramadhan 2017.